Specialist training

Specialist training has a central value for the organic and continuous development of the company. We provide internal training for mployees, researchers and technicians, and external training, offered to collaborators and customers, both in mixed classes and in mono-company class, in lessons or courses centered on specific topics, processes and products. Typically a course is delivered in the form of theoretical lessons in classroom, normally enriched with practical cases and direct industrial experiences, possibly followed by practical lessons in the laboratory or plant, aimed at consolidating basic concepts and knowledge. Each course ends with a written test,  integral part of the verification and training process, the results of which are then discussed in class with the participants. Before the beginning of the course, the slides are distributed to the students in electronic format, so that they can consult them beforehand and face the lessons with knowledge of the facts and the necessary awareness. To obtain the typical certificate of attendance, is necessary to have attended not less than 80% of the hours (signature of attendance). Seamthesis provides advanced training both on its own and in collaboration with other parts active on the national territory.

Examples of delivered courses

Basic metallurgy course (steels)

Advanced metallurgy course (+super and light alloys)

Thermotechnical and combustion course

Basic additive manufacturing course

Advanced additive manufacturing course

Corso di termo fluido-dinamica computazionale (tCFD)

Corso di Metallurgia della colata continua

Corso di Metallurgia delle Polveri e processi produttivi

Corso di Ingegneria Ambientale applicato alle dispersioni diffuse di polveri sottili in ambito industriale  

Corso sulla fabbricazione acciaio da ciclo integrale e forno elettrico 

Corso sulla laminazione a caldo di prodotti lunghi e piani

Corso sulla Forgiatura a caldo di acciai e superleghe

Corsi sui Trattamenti Termici di metalli e leghe   

"Tailor made" courses

New course will come
